Our offers and gift vouchers

Offers and gift vouchers

Offer an exceptional moment in Brittany at Hédé-Bazouges in Ille-et-Vilaine, with our selection of restaurant gift certificates. We invite you to discover all our offers and prices. Whether for a weekend, a gourmet moment or a stay at the Vieux Moulin, we can create a tailor-made service at the best prices . So don't wait any longer! Call us and order your gift box in Hédé-Bazouges

The little restaurant for 2

Discover our gift voucher to enjoy an evening at a restaurant for two. For a dinner or lunch, gourmet and generous, opt for this gift voucher at €75, including two menus at the Vieux Moulin, with starter, main course and dessert. Valid for 365 days after the date of purchase.

Adventure around the table

For a pleasant evening with your lover or friends, choose this gift voucher for two people. For 90 € for two people, you will enjoy two menus including a starter, a main course, a dessert, an aperitif and a coffee! Valid for 365 days after the date of purchase.

The gourmet getaway

This €120 gift voucher is a meal for two people at the restaurant Le Vieux Moulin. You will enjoy two menus, with a food and wine pairing. You will taste a starter, a main course, a dessert, an aperitif and a coffee. Valid for 365 days after the date of purchase
